
Just Keep Swimming

I’ve been thinking a lot about what to write about this week. I’ve already planned out my TSN and am super excited to try it out. I have loads of ideas for one of my extra posts, topics I’m quite passionate about, but the words just weren’t coming out. I have also been super busy the last few days and haven’t had a lot of time to myself, if any ! I really don’t want this blog to become a stressful part of my life, so I thought one way to fix that is by writing something as simple as a film review.


If you haven’t guessed by now from the title or the picture, I went to see Finding Dory today. I loved Finding Nemo and we wanted to do something as a family, so we went ahead and booked tickets for a morning showing. First thing I want to say is: don’t go see a kids’ movie in the morning during school holidays if you don’t want kids talking, parents shushing, babies squeaking, and toddlers running in and out of the cinema. Overall, Finding Dory is a good film. I don’t think it was as great as Finding Nemo (sequels never are as good as the original) but I don’t regret paying to see it. I do, however, regret not buying a Dory soft toy from Disneyland when I was there last month (she is so cute !). If anyone reading this wants to get me one for Christmas, I can repay you in more interesting blog posts. Thanks.

There we go, that’s my review. Now for a more subjective analysis of the film.

The thing I love about animated movies is that they have the obvious funny moments for all, then they have the more subtle funny moments aimed at the older audience, and then they all come with a heart-warming message that never fails to bring me to tears. This one happened to be about the unconditional love of family and about self-acceptance. And who can’t relate to those things?! They instantly got me. I am not even ashamed to say I cried at one bit.

I’ll go a bit deeper and say that I saw a bit of myself in Dory. Yes, I know, I am comparing myself to an animated fish, but let me explain. Dory’s struggle with her memory causes her a lot of anxiety and really gets her down, and that’s what I can relate to. I even watched her say words that I’ve repeated so many times to my family, who were sitting right next to me. She kept apologising for things that were beyond her control and could never seem to believe anyone who told her how important she was to them. She was just a small fish, in a big ocean, completely lost and unable to trust herself. Everyone feels like a Dory sometimes.

The whole concept of her finally remembering her family and how much she misses them really spoke to me, seeing as my family moved halfway across the world a couple of years ago, leaving me to fend for myself here in England (oh the horror). I’ve recently realised just how much that has actually affected me, just not having them around feels like I’ve lost my support network. I’m beginning to accept that I need them though, and that’s okay (‘no man is an island’ etc.).

Dory’s an inspiring character though because she tends to follow her instinct anyway and ‘just keep swimming’. That’s a great motto to follow. She really goes for it despite losing her family and friends. So we can all learn a little something from Dory.

Just a thought…


One reply on “Just Keep Swimming”

I know exactly what you mean! Whenever I watch an interesting film that draws me in, more often than not it’s because I see a little bit of myself in the character.

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